
Wonderful experience of Dream angel bodystocking + femini unerwear

I recently purchase a dream angel bodystocking and femini underwear from a website, here below is my experience of testing it.

The fit of the Dream angel bodystocking was very nice. It was very easy to put on, either other pantyhose or bare skin. It would fit well under male clothing and would not be noticeable, for those that like to dress in secret. The opening in the stocking fits nicely around the femini unerwear prosthesis. The elastic around the opening helps keep it positioned nicely around the vagina providing a wonderful crotchless look and feel.

products in above photos
femini underwear


Dream angel bodystocking



Dressup by a crossdresser

Beards to cover and eyebrows and nose hairs to removeit wouldn’t be stunning if men who crossdress discover it aggravating to create their faces look far more feminine. Thankfully, making use of makeup could be made less difficult for crossdressers by developing a program with outlined methods to follow to avoid starting every little thing around once more from your very starting. If you want to learn the best way to utilize crossdresser makeup, read through the process below

Clean your encounter. Always thoroughly clean your face ahead of putting on make-up. Do that by making use of water plus a gentle cleaning soap to clean your experience. Your encounter serves as being the canvass unto which you’ll paint on your masterpiece so don’t ever neglect it. Aside from, if you don’t create a routine of washing your confront before putting on make-up, you happen to be inviting filth and dirt to clog your pores. You don’t want your face for being house to whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. Keep in mind that no amount of makeup can replace a flawless pores and skin.

Eliminate facial hair. Manliness is frequently related with the amount of hair within the confront. Due to this, be sure to get rid of from your face all visible unsightly hairs. This consists of protruding nose and ear hairs, stray eyebrow hairs, and beard. Use a pair of cuticle scissors to trim nose and ear hairs. For stray eyebrow hairs, use tweezers. For the beard, use a razor or multiblade. Shave your beard equally upwards and downwards. Undertaking this can obtain the hairs much better. The closer it is possible to shave your beard, the much less hard work you’ve got to make in masking them up with make-up later.

Use concealer, beard cover, and foundation. In case you are fond of utilizing moisturizers, you may elect to placed on moisturizer in your face very first and wait around for it to dry before applying a concealer. Use concealer below your eyes, around your nose, and on any pimples or scars. Following, utilize the beard cover in excess of your confront and neck exactly where your beard is situated. Utilize the foundation afterwards, smoothing everything in excess of your encounter and neck. Soon after you’ve got accomplished this, established your face by dusting it with a translucent powder.


Dream Angel Bodystocking + femini just fit vest

Before wearing… The products were packaged nicely.. The body stocking color is black which I like, It was inside out.. not sure why?.. I also recieved some white fishnet stockings and something that looked like pink socks.. these items were inside out as well.. i did not know what to do with the pink sock things since they had a loop on them ??? I have nothing to go with the white fishnet stockings so I did not use them.. The feature i liked most on the body stocking was the flower lace patterns..Features I think would be good is to have some with sleeves.. And also.. maybe a picture and better description of how to wear and what some products are..

After wearing… I absolutley loved the feel of this product.. It fits me nicely and accents my shapes wonderfully.. I felt as though the material may be a little weak, but slide it on carefully and everything is great..I think a softer material should be used. I like it but feels a little ruff.. The only tips I have is that this Body stocking is fun and sexy, so you should enjoy..
Dream Angel Bodystocking

femini just fit vest

this is my review for crossdressing, transgender and sissy


The meaning of those words

Hairy Pant Wearer (HPW) - Unflattering and somewhat negative term used to describe those men who like to wear ladies underwear under their male clothes whilst working, shopping etc. http://www.cross-dress.co.uk/?ref=fang

Cross Dresser (CD) - There's some confusion over whether this is any different from a transvestite but the term tends to be applied more to those who like to wear womens' clothes but who aren't fussed about putting on make up or 'passing'. Kind of half-way between an HPW and a TV.

Transvestite (TV) - Someone who likes to dress up in womens' clothes with the aim of looking (and feeling) like a woman.

Transsexual (TS) (sometimes spelled 'transexual' with just one 's') - A woman who was born inside a man's body, or at least heartily believes they were. Transsexuals are either 'pre-op' meaning that they still have all their male genitalia (though they might have had female bits added such as breast enlargement) or 'post-op' meaning that they have been cosmetically altered to have all female bits and no male ones. The transition from transsexual to full woman can be a long, drawn-out and expensive process and kudos should be given to those who go with their heart and make the change

T-Girl - A catch all term used to cover both transvestites and transsexuals.

She-Male - A term used mostly in the pornography industry for any kind of t*girl who is prepared to get her kit off/out for the camera and a few bucks! Not to be used in pleasant company as 'chick with a dick' isn't either.

Drag Queens (DQ) - Gay men (note that other definitions say nothing about sexuality) who ape or imitate women. Drag queens normally get tarted up to go and work at a club whereas transvestites get tarted up to go and have fun at a club - you see very few drag queens out partying
Ladyboy  - Usually refers to transvestites and transexuals from Thailand.


TRANSGENRE – Dans le très traditionnel collège Saint
Catharine's de l'université de Cambridge, on ne s'est pas posé
de questions depuis des siècles. Les filles, ça porte des jupes,
les garçons des vestes et des cravates. Point. Jusqu'à ce que
le combat d'une étudiante transgenre vienne bouleverser des
siècles de tradition. Et ses efforts ont fini par payer: Charlie
Nothrop, doctorante en lettres de 25 ans, ayant changé de
sexe en janvier dernier, aura le droit de porter des jupes http://www.cross-dress.co.uk/?ref=fang.

Une petite révolution dans la paisible routine de Cambridge.
Comme celle d'Oxford, la prestigieuse université de
Cambridge (Royaume-Uni) fonctionne sur un système de coll
èges, des bâtiments où s'organisent la vie étudiante en
communauté et avec un "dress code" très strict.

Fondé en 1473, celui de Saint Catharine's n'avait jusqu'ici
jamais remis en cause ses traditions vestimentaires. La
participation aux dîners officiels exigeait que les femmes
portent une jupe ou une robe, tandis que les hommes
devaient se vêtir d'une cravate, d'un pantalon ainsi que d'une
Avec le soutien d'autres étudiants, la jeune femme est
parvenue à obtenir gain de cause. "Je suis sur un petit nuage,
c'est absolument merveilleux que cette règle ait été adoptée",
se réjouit-elle. "Il n'y a pas eu tant que résistance que ça [...]
tout le monde a apporté son aide", ajoute Charlie, tout en
évoquant "beaucoup de discussions entre le collège et le
Selon le Telegraph, Saint Catharine's devient ainsi le premier
collège de Cambridge à modifier son règlement, et à
assouplir son code vestimentaire.

Dans le nouveau règlement intérieur, on peut désormais lire
la mention "tenue correcte exigée", sans aucune référence
faite au genre ni au sexe de l'élève.

"Je suis tout simplement très fière de mon collège et de mes
camarades de Cambridge, pour ce chemin parcouru
ensemble", explique Charlie dans la vidéo ci-dessous:
En 2013, l'établissement faisait déjà un grand pas en avant. À
l'image de l'université d'Oxford, elle avait alors pris la
décision d'autoriser les hommes à porter les robes
traditionnelles durant les cérémonies de remises de diplômes.

From Plain Boy to Transgender Sexy

I have been working on my mid-section for quite some time now (roughly 6 months) I did get a flatter tummy and the “V in the hips but I still didn’t quite get the curve and flat tummy like that of a fit healthy woman.  And being the transgender that I am I had the urge to do everything in my power to have the shape of a woman.
While on the internet one night looking for crossdressing ideas I saw this ad on http://www.cross-dress.co.uk/?ref=fang about body girdles. It got me intrigued since the women in the ad were saying they didn’t have to work out that much as the Femini Body shaper gave them an hour-glass figure with continuous use. So I checked the website out to read more.
After much discussion with myself, I finally decided to purchase one. I decided to get the one in small black since I mostly use black dresses on my night outs. And so, the waiting game begins... After a few days (about 7days) it came. Excited and nervous at the same time I opened it to reveal a nice black satin soft girdle that felt so thin it felt like nothing. I tried it on and it fit fine. It felt like second skin. It hugged my shapeless body tightly and at the right angles that no one would notice I had anything on beneath my dress. It also lifted my small butt up. I tried it on for one whole day and I did not feel any shortness of breath. I did not feel itchy or uncomfortable. It literally felt like I had nothing on which is a plus for me since I don’t like being bulky.
I didn’t expect it to show results overnight so I used it every single day morning and night and in about 5 months together with my work out routine I noticed my body having curves. My hips seemed fuller and my tummy definitely feminine flatter. My butt was also more “out there” if you know what I mean. I was so pleased with the results that I keep using it until today! I and my crossdresser friends adore my new feminine body. It’s so rockin’ awesome!
There are different sexy designs and colors at http://cross-dress.co.uk/en/-body-shaper/32-sissy-girdle-body-shaper.html for all the transgender beauties out there.